Senin, 31 Desember 2012


My life seems like an annual Hunger Games. Should keeping life all the way from starving, thought cannot hunting nor planting. Shame thing.

Have been locked for a week long at home then at this small room. Can truthly say to you: this is not that The Red Room of Pain. Remember!

I wouldn't be marriage and have children. Only left me alone and think untill the day come. I have no love to share. #Conviction

Don't think there's only gay in the world then the human being would a years ago extinct despite there's one of four men is gay. #Conviction

Sex is a piece raw meat to eat. Having it illegally, betray All Father's law are all the way to hell. Thought you have believe. #Conviction

I have no desire to learn all subjects for the final semester exam. I feel I should have finish my years of study sooner. I bet. #Conviction

Along with a stupid-dummy-poor-ugly one is a worst thing ever in the world could get. Have to change that! Must. It is a must. #Conviction

I can't accept this. My lifes long, too. Ii is better if I have died any years before than I have any years of future to live. #Conviction

No permissions before and no thanks after insiting me to help you is the most common experience at all. I catch that. #Convincion

Who have said that awkward informations to you? I have never relieved and never been curioused about. I didn't have a radar to detect ones, too.

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